facebook debug og
facebook debug og

ThedebuggeroutputsalistofallthedataandresourcesthatFacebookpullsfromyourOpenGraphobject.Iftherearemissingtagsorothererrorswhentrying ...,Facebookneedstoscrapethepageatleastoncebysomeoneclickingonittocachetheimage.Subsequentshareswillthenbeabletod...



** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Debugging in the Open Graph

The debugger outputs a list of all the data and resources that Facebook pulls from your Open Graph object. If there are missing tags or other errors when trying ...

facebook debugger open graph image not scraping on first attempt

Facebook needs to scrape the page at least once by someone clicking on it to cache the image. Subsequent shares will then be able to display the image.

Facebook OpenGraph Debugger - Support Center

In this article we explain how to use Facebook's OpenGraph Object Debugger to resolve issues sharing content on Facebook. Scrape URL · Evaluate Results

Facebook's debugger shows a preview image, yet ...

Facebook will randomly take posts I have shared on a company page and make the preview image blank/white. It is maddening. Here's what I do to replicate.

Images in Link Shares - Meta for Developers

The og:image tag can be used to specify the URL of the image that appears when someone shares the content to Facebook.


But when I'm sharing in Messenger, just the url and domain show up, no image at all. Open Graph.

Sharing Debugger

Here's the general guidance: For Meta tag try debugging with the Sharing Debugger (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/).

Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers

Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.

Webmasters - Sharing - Meta for Developers

To see how your markup appears to the Facebook Crawler enter a URL into Sharing Debugger. It will show which meta tags the crawler scrapes as well as any errors ... Using Objects · Getting Started · Specify a Canonical URL · Optimizing


分享除錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放式圖表標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。


ThedebuggeroutputsalistofallthedataandresourcesthatFacebookpullsfromyourOpenGraphobject.Iftherearemissingtagsorothererrorswhentrying ...,Facebookneedstoscrapethepageatleastoncebysomeoneclickingonittocachetheimage.Subsequentshareswillthenbeabletodisplaytheimage.,InthisarticleweexplainhowtouseFacebook'sOpenGraphObjectDebuggertoresolveissuessharingcontentonFacebook.ScrapeURL·EvaluateResults,Faceb...